Laiza Correa Sboron said she’s very excited about 2025. The sexual assault response coordinator with the 405th Army Field Support Brigade is excited about the new year for two reasons – the Army’s first standalone regulation for sexual harassment and assault response and prevention comes out Feb. 10, and the Army is celebrating its 250th birthday this year.
“I love my job, and I love the Army. I was once in uniform, and I always say I left the Army, but the Army never left me,” said Sboron who served nine years active duty, completing her service as a captain and an operations officer in 2012 at the 2nd Signal Brigade in Germany. “I would encourage anyone to allow themselves the gift of serving in the Army. It changed my life forever.”
Sboron, who is assigned to 21st Theater Sustainment Command as an Army civilian and embedded with the 405th AFSB since last April as the brigade SARC, said one of the things she loves about the Army is the strong emphasis it places on taking care of its people.
“Taking care of people has had a whole new meaning for me since I was exposed to the SHARP program in 2006,” said the 43-year-old mother of an 8-year-old daughter and loving spouse who grew up in Caguas, Puerto Rico, before joining the Army.
“My job as a SARC is to take care of the victims, to take care of people. On the prevention side of SHARP, SARCs also work hard on that P part of the program, which is prevention, and we strive to eradicate sexual harassment and assault in the Army,” said Sboron who previously served as a victim advocate with the 405th AFSB in 2020-21 and also a victim advocate in uniform at Fort Bliss, Texas, in the early stages of the program in 2006.
“The new regulation is a big deal. The SHARP program now has its own standalone regulation, AR 600-52, and it’s bringing significant changes,” said Sboron, adding that this includes things like the expansion of a full-time SHARP staff, optimal victim assistance and reporting opportunities, and expert support to the commanders with the oversight needed to execute the program.
“I love my job. It’s all about the people who I serve. Taking care of people is my passion,” she said.
Sboron, who holds a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Phoenix, is currently enrolled in a doctorate program in industrial and organizational psychology with Grand Canyon University. Her dissertation is set to focus on the experiences of victim advocates in the Army, she said, and she expects to complete her degree and graduate with a PhD in 2026.
Sboron is also set to attend the Army’s SHARP Academy at the end of this month at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. She said the intermediate course she’ll take will not only give her the tools needed to further assist her with her responsibilities as the 405th AFSB’s embedded SARC, but it will also provide her with timely guidance on the new SHARP regulation that takes effect while she’s in the course.
“I’ll be able to discuss the new regulation with other SHARP professionals at the course,” Sboron said. “It should be great. I can already tell 2025 is going to be a great year. Happy 250th Birthday, U.S. Army.”
One year older than the nation it defends, the Army has dedicated itself to fighting and winning the nation’s wars for 250 years. From the Revolutionary War to present-day missions, the Army and its people have consistently demonstrated the resolve needed to defend freedom at home and abroad.
Since its establishment in 1775, Soldiers, Army civilians and their Families have supported the nation, the U.S. Constitution, and their units and fellow Army team members. The 405th AFSB is proud to be a part of such a phenomenal organization. Happy 250th Birthday, U.S. Army! Learn more about the Army and its 250th birthday celebration at www.army.mil/1775.
The Army’s Sexual Harassment and Assault Response and Prevention Program, or SHARP, helps enhance Army readiness through the prevention of sexual assault, sexual harassment and associated retaliatory behaviors while providing comprehensive response capabilities. Learn more about the Army's SHARP at www.armyresilience.army.mil/sharp.
The 405th AFSB is assigned to U.S. Army Sustainment Command and headquartered in Kaiserslautern, Germany. The brigade provides materiel enterprise support to U.S. forces throughout Europe and Africa – providing theater sustainment logistics; synchronizing acquisition, logistics and technology; and leveraging the U.S. Army Materiel Command materiel enterprise to support joint forces. For more information on the 405th AFSB, visit the official website at www.afsbeurope.army.mil and the official Facebook site at www.facebook.com/405thAFSB.