Delivering the Army's Logistics Enterprise in Europe and Africa!

Welcome Army Oil Analysis Program Europe Region

The Army Oil Analysis Program, or AOAP, Laboratory Europe is one of the 10 AOAP laboratories. It is part of the Department of Defense-wide effort to predict equipment component failures and lubricant conditions by testing oil samples from different types of equipment such as vehicles, generators, and aircraft. Through application of laboratory non-destructive analytical techniques, flight safety is improved, equipment readiness is enhanced, and resources can be conserved.  

Our Mission: To provide and execute the Army Oil Analysis Program, or AOAP, for U.S. European Command ,  U.S. Africa Command and South West Asia are of operations by supporting the Warfighter with the most technological advanced diagnostic tools capable of worldwide mobilization for detecting impending failures in oil wetted components before catastrophic failures occur.

About us

The AOAP Laboratory Europe is equipped with state-of-the-art instruments and services commanders in Europe, Africa, and Southwest Asia. It accepts oil samples from aircraft and ground-based vehicles that technicians analyze looking for imperfections and inconsistencies. Water, metallic elements, and sediment in the oil may lead to a fault or catastrophic failure of equipment. AOAP lab professionals inspect oil samples manually by microscope and electronically tests them for impurities.

The benefits of AOAP to the Army and the Environment are enormous. It provides unit maintainers with actionable maintenance recommendations that result in improved readiness, reduced maintenance costs, and enhanced operational safety. It reduces life-cycle sustainment costs across the Army by optimizing oil changes intervals. This is accomplished through application of the on-condition oil change policy.

AOAP identifies and supports improvements to lubricant formulation, filtration and component design. It helps to reduce the quantity of contaminated waste oil that finds its way into sewers and landfill and cuts contaminated waste disposal costs. In fulfilling the expectations of customers and ensuring the continuous improvement of services, the AOAP Laboratory Europe is International Organization for Standardization certified since 2008.

Contact Us

  • Location

    Kaiserslautern Army Depot, Bldg. 2256

    Phone: CIV: 0611-143-2578 / 2580, DSN: 314-528-2578 / 2580 or via e-mail, click here.  

    Operating Hours: Mondays – Fridays 7.30 a.m. – 4 p.m. 

    Closed on U.S. Holidays