LIVORNO, Italy –
The commanding general of Southern European Task Force – Africa and the commander of the 405th Army Field Support Brigade conducted a site visit of the Army Prepositioned Stocks-2 worksite in Livorno, Sept. 21.
During the site visit and key leader engagement, Army Field Support Battalion-Africa Commander Lt. Col. Alexander Amato and his team greeted Maj. Gen. Todd Wasmund and Col. Crystal Hills, provided them with a tour of the APS-2 worksite at Leghorn Army Depot, and briefed them on the battalion’s power projection capabilities.
“Hosting the SETAF-AF commanding general and the 405th AFSB commander was important for several reasons,” said Amato. “By providing them a tour, we were able to highlight our maintenance and storage capabilities, explain the strategic impact and relevance of Camp Darby and Leghorn Army Depot, and highlight the value of our local Italian workforce.”
Amato said the SETAF-AF commanding general, who is the senior responsible officer South of the Alps, was impressed at the scope of the maintenance and storage facilities and battalion’s power projection capabilities, but “marveled at the many years of skill inherent in the mostly Italian local national workforce, asking specifically how we could continue to retain this level of talent moving into the future.”
Amato said he was excited because the site visit and key leader engagement gave him an opportunity to show off his team – the people who make up AFSBn-Africa.
“AFSBn-Africa is like a family, and I am extremely proud of our accomplishments. The team here continues to excel, going above and beyond to support rotational forces, current operations and our APS-2 mission,” said Amato, whose battalion is heavily involved in current operations in Europe supporting the NATO-led mission following Russia’s unprovoked and unjustified invasion of Ukraine earlier this year.
As the Army continues to modernize and expand APS-2 capabilities and ensure equipment sets and facilities are located, sized and configured to best meet National Defense Strategy and two separate geographic combatant commands’ theater-specific requirements – AFSBn-Africa continues to right size and modernize, as well. And in addition to APS-2, the battalion is also responsible for linking national logistics capabilities and providing logistics solutions to Army units and joint forces South of the Alps – to include U.S. Army Europe and Africa, SETAF-AF, the 173rd Airborne Brigade, and other strategic partners.
The 405th AFSB is assigned to U.S. Army Sustainment Command and under the operational control of the 21st Theater Sustainment Command, U.S. Army Europe and Africa. The brigade is headquartered in Kaiserslautern, Germany, and provides materiel enterprise support to U.S. Forces throughout Europe and Africa – providing theater sustainment logistics; synchronizing acquisition, logistics and technology; and leveraging the U.S. Army Materiel Command materiel enterprise to support joint forces. For more information on the 405th AFSB, visit the official website at and the official Facebook site at