Name: Reese Osborne
Job title: Plans and Operations Action Officer
Assigned: Logistics Readiness Center-Benelux, 405th Army Field Support Brigade
Location: Chievres Air Base, Belgium
Experience: 10 months at LRC Benelux; prior to coming to Europe assigned to U.S. Army Sustainment Command headquarters for 2.5 years
Other Service: Graduated from Middle Tennessee State University and interned at the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and then worked for the FDA for a year before taking a government service civilian position with the Army
Hometown: Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Q: Can you explain what your duties are as plans and operations action officer at LRC-Benelux, 405th AFSB?
A: I’m the team lead in plans and operations for LRC-Benelux, which includes LRC-Brussels in Belgium and LRC-Schinnen in Netherlands. My duties include keeping the LRC-Benelux director as well as the plans and operations chief informed on all current logistical and operational activities and developments. I maintain a running analysis of all LRC-Benelux programs and functions to include properly managing all of the LRC’s fiscal requirements and resources. I also make sure all taskings and corresponding deadlines and requirements from higher are successfully met in a timely fashion.
Q: Why is the LRC-Benelux mission so important?
A: LRC-Benelux is a field operating activity under the 405th Army Field Support Brigade providing installation logistics services to Department of Defense and Department of State personnel and their families assigned to or in support of Headquarters North Atlantic Treaty Organization, HQs Supreme Allied Command Europe, HQs Joint Forces Command Europe Brunssum, U.S. embassies and other U.S. commands, agencies and activities located in Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, northern France and northern Germany. Some of the base logistical support we provide includes central issue facility activities, installation property book support, supply support activities, driver’s testing and training, transportation motor pool support, commercial travel office activities, transportation maintenance, supply and service activities and more. We work hand-in-hand with SHAPE and NATO personnel. Our customers are often from multiple services and commands and are made up of multiple ethnic backgrounds and nationalities.
Q: What do you enjoy about your job, and what motivates you?
A: Personally, for myself, this job feeds my passion and drive for continued success. I believe this job will assist me in completing my future short- and long-term goals. Also, it’s the people I work with every day and the people we support as well as the bigger mission that I truly enjoy. To serve a mission greater than myself and my LRC-Benelux team – this is very important to me and extremely motivating. It’s not your average office job. That’s for sure.
When it comes to providing day-to-day installation services, LRC-Benelux directs, manages and coordinates a variety of operations and activities in support of U.S. Army Garrison Benelux. LRC-Benelux reports to the 405th Army Field Support Brigade, which is assigned to ASC and under the operational control of the 21st Theater Sustainment Command, U.S. Army Europe and Africa. The brigade is headquartered in Kaiserslautern, Germany, and provides materiel enterprise support to U.S. Forces throughout Europe and Africa – providing theater sustainment logistics; synchronizing acquisition, logistics and technology; and leveraging AMC’s materiel enterprise to support joint forces. For more information on the 405th AFSB, visit the official website at and the official Facebook site at