As part of the redistribution of Army Preposition Stock, more than 100 Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles and several 20 foot containers were shipped from Leghorn Army Depot, Italy, to a new APS site location.
The 405th Army Field Support Brigade’s Army Field Support Battalion-Africa has been working on the redistribution of MRAP vehicles for more than a year, but this particular requirement came about in October and was completed recently when all items were loaded onto cargo vessel Liberty Passion and shipped out.
The AFSBn-Africa Support Operations Office spearheaded the mission, but the real work came from over 100 U.S. and Italian local national personnel in the battalion’s Directorate of Maintenance, Supply and Quality Assurance section.
“All personnel in these sections had a hand in preparing these vehicles for shipment,” said Claudia Chandler-Reblora, the AFSBn-Africa SPO chief.
While receiving and shipping APS equipment is quite routine for AFSBn-Africa, shipping this much equipment at one time is not. But the AFSBn-Africa work force is very engaged when it comes to these type of missions, said Chandler.
“They know it’s a lot of work, but each section pulls their weight to get the mission accomplished,” she said. “We have an amazing team.”
Such a large shipment requires a great deal of coordination, and the Camp Darby Military Community – with its numerous tenant units and organizations – provided much needed assistance.
The mission was the responsibility of AFSBn-Africa, but the 39th Transportation Battalion, 839th Transportation Battalion, installation customs office, Italian base commander, Carabinieri, multiple port activity agencies, installation security, and other units and organizations were directly involved and contributed to its success.
“Our mission is to synchronize and integrate U.S. Army Materiel Command strategic capabilities and enablers to optimize the readiness of U.S. Army Europe and Africa and Joint Forces at the tactical point of need.” said Lt. Col. Miguel Flores Rivera, the commander of AFSBn-Africa. “Our Italian national workforce makes this possible with their steadfast dedication to our mission.”
The pride the members of the command have in doing their jobs right the first time makes this partnership one of the most successful in the 405th AFSB and across the Army, Flores Rivera said.
“We appreciate all the great work and support our Italian nationals and the Italian government provides us on a daily basis to enable our success,” he added.